Data and performance, DVArea’s mission in its research and development division
Data and performance, DVArea’s mission in its research and development division
Shifting the focus from the design phase to the requirements and performance definition phase of the project, with an in-depth analysis of the context. This is the mission of the DVArea innovation team.
The macro-themes of our working group are very clear and at the beginning we aim at pursuing a data-driven, numbers-based approach – as our work on school design demonstrates. The demand phases are fundamental and very delicate, perhaps more so than the concept phases, because they dictate the boundaries within which the designers will act. If you get this wrong, there is no room to redress the project. And since one of our goals is to arrive at a design process that is in line with sustainable development, it is essential to be able to shift the focus from the design phase to that of defining project requirements, with an in-depth analysis of the context.
Our challenge, at this point in time, is to build an analysis workflow of the reference environment which returns sufficient data, which is then translated into information, to enable us to make the right choices, obviously working closely with the client. Our mission is to guide operators in the pre-design phase, going in depth and trying to collect as much contextual data as possible.
DVArea comes into play before the actual design activity, before the engineering, before the worksite activity, it speaks to the client and aims to pursue sustainability across the board. This is the aim of our benefit company.
Among the main challenges, one concerns the technologies to be introduced in order to really have a deep contextual reading, to define a process leading to an analytical and at the same time summary data structure of the territory. This is because when we talk about sustainability, we do so in a comprehensive way: not only environmental, but economic and social. Equity, accessibility, quality of life, respect for rights, how can one read all these contextual factors and summarise them? The solution for us lies in the design and study of new devices, through intensive and continuous research and development.
Talking about ecological transition means dealing with a complexity of topics. The question we, as DVArea, are asking ourselves is how digital innovation can be a driver for ecological transition. Certainly with data information, since information is knowledge. When you use data to analyse a phenomenon, you understand it from a different point of view. You become aware of a different, often new reality, you acquire a new consciousness and from there you trigger targeted actions. Digital technology has given mass access to information and this is the great social transformation.
More systemic literacy is needed. All the work done since the launch of the 2017 decree on Bim has been a strong rush to understand the transformations; there are still companies excluded from this transition, but from our field of observation and years of commitment in the field, we can deduce that the supply chain is moving towards a technological future. In general, the designer is on the right track, but the client has yet to fully understand all the benefits they can gain from the digital revolution. The leverage will be that of a sustainable, shared development model, which must not be overridden by the business model alone.
#researchanddevelopment #innovation #sustainabledevelopment #digitalrevolution #datadriven #requirements #design
Alessandro Vitale:
Co-founder DVArea e CEO Bimfactory.