Superbonus 110%: €20 million regeneration project kicks off in Sesto San Giovanni

Superbonus 110%: €20 million regeneration project kicks off in Sesto San Giovanni

A major seismic upgrading and structural consolidation project involving a 198-unit maxi-apartment building on the outskirts of Milan.

CRT Group, a Piedmont-based company that has opened more than 20 construction sites in the Lombardy region in the last 24 months, has kicked off a new project together with DVArea, which for this initiative has involved DVA for architecture, DVMEP for facilities and DVS for structures. Safety, bill savings, and economic and aesthetic revaluation are the objectives behind this redevelopment linked to the 110% Superbonus for the 198-unit maxi-apartment building “Eleonora Duse” in Sesto San Giovanni, in the outskirts of Milan.

An operation of about €20 million and a construction site that will lead to the renovation of all three buildings that make up the housing complex through seismic upgrading and structural consolidation work on all the façade nodes, with the consequent construction of external insulation and a new aesthetic finish, the replacement of windows and doors, and the upgrading with consolidation of the underground garages. Improvements that will lead to great savings in utility bills for residents who, in addition to having an aesthetically renovated property that is revalued on the market, will also have a safer home, as the seismic class upgrade of the entire complex is guaranteed.

“Renovating buildings in Italy is of fundamental importance”, commented Alberto Cerutti, president of CRT Group. “Today most buildings are more than 30 years old, built in times when attention to energy and construction efficiency was poor or non-existent. It is difficult to consider buildings that consume a lot, and that do not guarantee adequate quality standards, as an asset and investment. Economic incentives, Alberto Cerutti continues, have helped people understand the importance of modernising Italy’s real estate heritage, but the process (with or without incentives) will have to continue and strengthen in the years to come if the goal is real change”.

A complex intervention in that of Sesto San Giovanni, which will be managed by DVArea’s companies for the design and construction supervision, with attention to the application of the best technological solutions and care in the final aesthetic proposal.

“It was crucial to be able to address the different facets required by the planned interventions in an integrated way, thanks to our professionals”, commented Renato Simoni, DVA co-founder and technical director. “This is also due to the use of new processes geared towards operational sharing and digital management of the design, digitisation and management phases, using clouds and interoperable models. A method that we also intend to continue in the construction and construction supervision phase, he continued, to minimise errors and keep all the disciplines under control within a single digital model, coping with every situation in a short time, thus guaranteeing the development of a quality project, both technical and aesthetic, and compliance with all the Superbonus regulations”.

Digital revolution, environmental sustainability and project culture are the three pillars on which the activities of DVArea are based, in which DVA for architecture, DVS for structures, DVMEP for systems, Bimfactory for digitisation consulting and the PDVA Consortium come together.


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Sesto San Giovanni, 20-million-euro urban regeneration.